Hollywood/Beachwood Canyon/Los Feliz
Monday evenings 6:30-8:00PM
Tuesday/Thursday mornings 8:30-10:00AM
Besant Lodge
2560 N. Beachwood Dr.
LA 90068
Tuesday/Friday evenings 6:30-8:00PM
5319 Packard St.
LA 90019
$16.00 per class
Series of 10 - $150.00 (good for 2 months)
Privates sessions
$175.00 individual/$300.00 couple @ studio
$275.00 individual/$400.00 couple @ home
Also come visit the Swami O'Bryan Annex located at Organic Pastures Milkstand at the Sunday Hollywood Farmer's Market (8:30AM-1:30PM). Divine Randomness, Healings and Raw Dairy, market and food gossip, and pro-biotic yeehah!
Come one! Come all!
Coming events -
** Sexuality 101 - What They Couldn't Teach You In High School
** Quantum Light Breath Concert
** Yoga Retreat at Harbin Hot Springs
And remember......
-There is enough to go around!
-Wherever you are is where you are the most effective!
-There is no waste!
Joy and Bliss to all!
The wise man says,
"You can't learn less!"
As he tries on
Wise grannies dress.
Swami O'Bryan